For 30 days you can have someone walk alongside you

In 2022 I decided to quit sugar for good. I found amazing resources to help me successfully eliminate sugar cravings and I will help you do the same thing!

My Story

I never thought I had a problem with sugar.

Until I tried to eliminate it.

I didn't need hype.

I needed INFORMATION. I needed to know HOW sugar was DESTROYING my body from the inside.

I needed the nutritional FACTS.

I needed education.

I needed to know how my sugar ADDICTION was impacting my faith walk.

So I gathered together a pile of resources and began educating myself about the dangers of refined sugars, the history of the sugar industry, and how my body can QUICKY adjust to no longer have sugar cravings!


There are recipes our family LOVES that you can immediately incorporate. Not only are they free of refined sugars, but they are also nourishing for your gut health!

Nutritional Education

As a certified GAPS coach through GAPS International, I will help educate you on the GAPS protocol and the teachings from Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.

Lifestyle Application

Information is helpful, but sometimes it is hard to know how to actually change your habits. And sugar is such a big part of the modern lifestyle. I will give you tips on how to change your mindset so you can change your habits.

Enroll now and work at your own pace!

Meet your instructor!

Hello! I'm so glad you are taking a step to better health!

My name is Mindy Lively, and I'm going to walk alongside you for the next 30 days as you learn more about your body and how SUGAR needs to become something that you will no longer include in your life!

I'm a wife, mother, and a certified GAPS coach.

When my daughter was born with significant health needs, I had my wake up call to nutrition.

But this journey has taken me in all directions.

Then I found the GAPS nutritional protocol.

One of the first hurdles to jump when you transition from a SAD (Standard American Diet) to a nutritional protocol is to QUIT SUGAR for good.

I didn't know anyone else in my life that had ever done such a thing!

I needed support.

I had to find my own support!

Let me help you for the next 30 days!

Let's get you off SUGAR forever!

Faith and Nutrition

Having a child with special needs has really rocked our world. My faith has been my foundation through all of the highs and lows.

I could not have had the discipline or perseverance without my faith.

In this challenge I share with you some of my personal reflections and prayers that I have prayed to help me gain the strength to become a stronger person both physically and spiritually.

Integrating your faith walk into your physical health journey can be an amazing experience and I hope my reflections will inspire you to do the same!